Monitor pixelating at startup

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Seth Francis
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Joined: 12 Jan 2016, 04:20

Monitor pixelating at startup

Post by Seth Francis »

Hello, I just decided to download Fanaleds for use with my Fanatec wheels. For some reason, whenever I open Fanaleds, my screen goes blank, then comes back but is completely pixelated and almost impossible to read. The Fanaleds control panel does not show up so I am forced to use task manger to end task. This happens with or without a wheel attached to the pc. The first time I opened Fanaleds the control panel came up like normal, after the first time I have not gotten it to open again, every time my entire screen messes up until I end the Fanaleds task from task manager. I am running windows 7 64 on my dell N5010 laptop with an I5 cpu and intel HD graphics. I know this is not an adequate gaming pc however it works well enough on low settings for practice in GSC and iracing. I thought I would post here as I do not see anyone else with this issue on here. Hopefully someone will have some idea what can cause this because I have no idea.

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Monitor pixelating at startup

Post by Bose321 »

We've never heard of a problem like this... Could you take a screenshot or something? Do you happen to run special DPI settings?
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Seth Francis
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Joined: 12 Jan 2016, 04:20

Monitor pixelating at startup

Post by Seth Francis »

Ok, I think I have figured it out, however, I will include a couple pics so you can see if this makes sense. So last night I uninstalled fanaleds, and reinstalled it just now. I left "launch Fanaleds" checked at the final installation step and this is what heppened (see pic 1) this is the same thing I had seen yesterday every time it would launch. When I close the program the screen goes back to normal (see pic 2). I decided to go into the properties and realized that the 256 bit color option was selected, I deselected this option and everything seemed to work normal, I could open the fanaleds without an issue. To test this theory I went back into properties and selected the 256 bit option again. This time it looked pixelated, like before, but the rainbow effect that was present before went away (see pics 3). Does this seem normal? I cant figure out why it looked all rainbow like before, no matter what I do the rainbow effect wont come back. I am happy that the program is working normally now but thought I would still run this by you to see what you think. Also, I will likely ask this in another thread section, however I was wondering how I select what is displayed in the led screen on my fanatec wheels. I have a csre, csr and pwts so I only have the normal 3 digit screen, no rev lights. I can't seem to figure out how to choose what is showing in the screen. I would also like to know if I can swap between rpm, speed and gear while in game. I will ask this in the proper section but if there is anywhere in particular you could direct me towards for some guidance that would be awesome. Thank you for your time and sorry for being a pain :?
pixelated with rainbow effect 256 bit
Normal, screen
Pixelated no rainbow after turning 256 bit off then on again

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