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Re: 2.2H not working properly with Rfactor 2 (64bit)

Posted: 30 Jan 2015, 20:42
by DirkT
Probably because those plugins haven't been changed since ;)

Re: 2.2H not working properly with Rfactor 2 (64bit)

Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 16:35
by jonrarit
I tried playing around with various configs yesterday but sadly have to report I still cannot get v2.3 to run properly with rfactor 2. it is the exactly the same as the issue with 2.2 in that while the left side of the SLI-Pro works ok, the right sector, in particular the timing data, just doesn't work.

The data is definitely there because the trackmap plugin picks it all up perfectly.....back to the drawing board guys

I'm open to suggestions guys

Re: 2.2H not working properly with Rfactor 2 (64bit)

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 10:39
by DirkT
I'm guessing this is due to the 64bit fact, the current 64bit plugin is just recompiled in 64bit form rather than really being a native 64bit dll.

This could explain why some of the data does work, and others don't, has to do with bit alignment.

Anyway, hopefully I'll get to this soon.

Re: 2.2H not working properly with Rfactor 2 (64bit)

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 10:41
by jonrarit
Excellent dirk, many thanks for the effort. I'm more than happy to help you "test" if you need to try any beta's out


Re: 2.2H not working properly with Rfactor 2 (64bit)

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 16:39
by MileSeven
Same here - although my experience is that it is not as simple as the LH SLI-Pro feeds working and the RH having problems. The position indicator (LH) is broken for me - showing either P0 or P64 but the revs (RH) seems ok. Certainly the RH feeds appear more unstable though.

Keep up the good work!

Re: 2.2H not working properly with Rfactor 2 (64bit)

Posted: 05 Feb 2015, 17:12
by Bose321
I've sent an email to MileSeven and jonrarit with a test version. Please let me know if that solves it.

Re: 2.2H not working properly with Rfactor 2 (64bit)

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 19:04
by MileSeven
For the forum, the test version does indeed appear to work in 64bit as well as it does in 32-bit mode. Fantastic, thanks!

We need to compile a list of the rF2 data feeds that appear to work though - I might try an initial list next week (bit of time on my hands...) as obviously not everything is supported and I can't currently work out if the feeds are broken or just not there. For instance, the Imperial-units fuel measurement is incorrect/unintuitive (both 32/64 bit versions) as far as I can tell (doesn't match either US gallons - or UK gallons. 10 USG comes out at '140' magical units). Metric fuel is fine. Some of the timing info. is present, some not.

Really appreciate what has been achieved so far though :D

Re: 2.2H not working properly with Rfactor 2 (64bit)

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 22:08
by DirkT
Thanks for the response, good to know the 64bit plugin is now working (test version).

If you could help us with that info that would be awesome, as you may have noticed, we don't have all the time in the world to get this out ourselves.