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Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 20:30
by luizsilveira
Hi there,

First of all, amazing piece of software. I must say I plugged in my old Logitech MOMO black and - guess what! - the leds worked for shifting. Hah, I was amazed and it gave new life to that old fart.

Anyway, I got a new GT3 today and was testing with Fanaleds. Unfortunately it didn't work.

Testing with rFactor. Plugin is in place. What happens is: The display works fine. It does display speed, shift indicator, whatnot. All good.

But... the ffb "clunks" a lot. I don't know how to explain. Especially when I hit the rev limiter (testing with Apex FIA GT3 mod), the ffb is strong and all over the place. Like I'm going 300km/h off the track on a bumpy area. If I ride the car at normal RPM the clunks are still there, but less noticeable unless I hit the rev limiter. But even with low RPMs it's hard to drive like this.

I tried the F1 1991sr mod as well. Same thing, but one detail: the "bad ffb" comes when I lift the throttle. If the car is stopped, nothing strange. I hit the max rpm (no limiter), no ffb. When I let go the throttle I get a bang like I hit a curb. When rolling with the car, it does seem like the wheel is trying to replicate the engine "vibration" - but see, it's no vibration, it's the ffb clunking all over like I'm hitting curbs.

Fanaleds version 2.2. I tried turning off the rumble effects, makes no difference. Tried to change brake threshold, no difference. Speaking of which, there are no rumble effects. The wheel never vibrates. When I click help, then run diagnosis test, the display comes up with fanaleds, but no vibration or anything via the wheel.

The order in which I open fanaleds or rfactor seems to make no difference. rFactor has ffb on -50%. I use leo ffb plugin (and not realfeel).

Using Windows 7, 64bit, and Fanatec driver v 115. I'm not sure about the firmware but it's stock, I just opened it from the mail.


Re: Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 20:41
by Bose321
Your firmware has to be updated I think. This problem is a known problem with old versions. Try this version:

Re: Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 22:53
by luizsilveira

The firmware downloads have all these warnings that not to do it if not asked by support and that one may loose warranty on the device. So I'll try to talk with them first. This is my 5th wheel, 4 of which were faulty, so I don't want to risk anything - much less warranty. :P

I don't understand why Fanatec packs it with the old(er) firmware. But then again, I've given up trying to understand them.

Thanks for the quick answer. Hopefully Fanatec will reply any time in the next few weeks :roll: and then I'll get back to you to let you know if it worked.

Re: Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 00:02
by Bose321
I also find it a little strange that they ship brand new wheels with firmware from a few years old. It shouldn't be a problem updating your firmware. They have a tool for it which seems to work great. I doubt you would loose warranty by updating official firmware versions with their own official tools, but you're better safe than sorry.

Please note that you also have to update your drivers after you update your firmware (according to the site).

I hope you're able to update it soon.

Re: Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 14:16
by luizsilveira
To my surprise I got an almost instant response from support. They've gained a few more points back! Anyway, they gave the go for firmware update and that was indeed the problem. Kinda.

Now when I go on test the wheel does vibrate, and fanaleds go through the display. No weird ffb any more.

However, I can't get it all to work. The rumble works great. The "segment function" as well, I can choose what I want. But it doesn't respond to the "settings" of the main page, i.e.: It doesn't blink on upshit, pitlimiter, nothing. The Flash [] on upshift is ticked but they don't flash either.

Finally, none of the "LED Functions" seem to work. I'm not sure they should with this wheel but it looks like it.

Thanks again!

Re: Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 14:26
by Bose321
Can you check if you have selected the correct game profile? Did you also update your drivers?

Re: Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 14:39
by luizsilveira
Yup, drivers v177. The "Active profile" is rFactor and I can't change it if rFactor is on. I've tried to close and open both Fanaleds and rFactor several times in different order, no difference.

Edit: The [ ] indicators for upshift do work. I didn't realize gear mode was the only mode it worked with. Still, no blinking on upshift or pitlimiter, and no "leds" at all.

May I throw a quick suggestion here as well? Having Engine boost/boost map as an option for the primary display. Thanks!

Re: Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 15:17
by DirkT
GT3 doesn't have leds, only segments, if you see led options that could be a bug. Would you mind making a screenshot of the configuration screen?

Re: Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 16:35
by luizsilveira
Sure: Image

As for the leds, I understand it doesn't have proper leds. But I had seen on the dots of the display doubling as "leds" for low fuel indication etc. That's what I meant.

In this video you can also see the main display blinking for pitlimiter and upshift, neither of which work for me.

Re: Fanatec GT3 rs V2 weird FFB (bug?)

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 16:56
by Bose321
I just took out my GT3RS V2 to test this.

The fuel dots seem to work just fine. Are you sure you're below the threshold that is set?

The [ ] for up shifting are only visible when you've selected gear or speedgear for the segment function. The LED functions are not relevant to that. You do need to have the "Flash [ ] indications on upshift" ticked on the main screen of course on the proper profile. Only the [ ] indicators blink now. The gear or speed (depends on what mode you're in) do not blink any more.

When you click on Profile 04 (which is default for Fuel #), do you see any number? Does Fuel % show the proper percentage of fuel left?

edit: There indeed is no more blinking when the pit limiter is on. The video you linked to was a VERY early version of Fanaleds and some things have changed in the meanwhile. It obviously isn't correct that the pit limiter does not flash anymore. We'll have to look into that.