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CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 21:37
by LEW15
Hi guys,
firstly thank you for the great software.
I use it in Simraceway and F1 2012 (before CM overrode it), and it's been working great.

I own CSW F1 Rim with V2 pedals, connected via PS2.
I noticed from the last update that if I use Fanaleds the brake pedal rumble doesn't work.
If for example, I switch Fanaleds off before turning on my wheel, the pedal and wheel rumble work great.
If Fanaleds is running and then I turn on my wheel, the feature gets disabled and I don't get brake pedal rumble.
I found out (by trying all sort of things) that if this happens, I can minimise the game, go to controller properties and click 0n "test the vibration" feedback of the wheel. After this, the feature (brake pedal rumble) becomes available in the game again.
Can you tell me how to get rid off this nuisance please?
At the moment what I observed is this:
- I can use fanaleds but the brake pedal rumble doesn't work
- I can use fanaleds, brake pedal can be enabled by awkward steps as described above
- I don't use fanaleds and the brake/wheel rumble works great.

I hope it all make sense and you guys can come up with a solution.

PS: Is there going to be support for Project CARS please? The project is already in quite advanced state and would be great to have the fanaleds running with it.

Re: CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 21:43
by Bose321
As far as I know this is due to the SDK being imperfect here. I'll discuss this with Dirk to see if he has anything else to say about this matter.

We've been planning to support pCARS from the moment it was available to play, but by the looks of it, they're not publishing an API or anything like telemetry information that can be used until the game is done... :?

Re: CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 21:56
by LEW15
Thank you Bose.
It would be great if you could provide more insight on what is going on.
Yesterday I tested the issue with Simraceway, F1 2012, rFactor2 and Project CARS and in none of them (even those not supported by fanaleds) had the brake pedal rumble when fanaleds was on.
I switched fanaleds off and all games had brake pedal and wheel rumble effect as set on my CSW.
It is strange because I thought that games like Simraceway and rFactor2 which has fanaleds plugins would have the break pedal rumble based on telemetry, but there is none on my CSW and CSP V2.
Looking forward to your comments

Re: CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 23:47
by Bose321
How is the CSP connected? As far as I know they don't work all the time via the PS/2 connection, but should work via USB.

The wheel itself stops doing the default things, like rim vibration and pedal vibration when it 'sees' a program like Fanaleds that uses the SDK I believe, but then Fanaleds should work ofcourse. I'll have a word with Dirk to see what we can do.

Re: CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 01 Nov 2012, 09:03
by DirkT
FanaLEDs takes over from the wheels rumble because otherwise both would interfere, that is by design of the Fanatec SDK. The fact that it is not (or badly) working on PS2 is a known issue, we don't know when Fanatec makes an update for this. Nothing we can do about unfortunately.

Test your setup with the pedals on USB, if rumble is still not working as it should, get back to us.

Re: CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 02 Nov 2012, 01:17
by LEW15
Thank you Dirk, will do.
The only reason I have CSP connected via PS2 is that I can control the vibration in all games from my steering wheel.
Only a handful of games have rumble implemented through fanaleds, rest don't have it. So I am setting it up on my wheel.
But I will try what you suggested and get back to you if it still doesn't work.

Re: CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 02 Nov 2012, 01:52
by DirkT
I'd have to correct you on that, see the gamechart: ... upport.pdf , almost every game has the rumble support now. Previously the SimBin titles were lacking, true, but we added those since 1.3.

Only OMSI doesn't have support now, all other games have virtual or real lock rumble (detection).

Re: CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 22:26
by LEW15
Hi Dirk,
Thanks for your reply.
I tested the wheel with CSP connected via USB over the weekend.
I'm getting some rumble in some games (not all - I can't get it in F1 2012? and of course PCARS, etc..) into my CSP now (when Fanaleds are running). But never wheel vibration?
The adjustment on the wheel for ABS and vibration doesn't seem to work with this configuration anymore though. Probably makes sense, since the threshold is controlled via Fanaleds.
I must say that getting the rumble through my pedal as well as the wheel (via PS2 connection) is more profound (and arguably more realistic?) than plain subtle vibration on the pedal only. When you lock your brakes on a real car, you always feel it on the wheel so it would be nice to get the vibration on the wheel too.
Kirk, one question:
If I run Fanaleds on a rig connected via PS2, I can get the wheel and pedal vibration when ALT+TAB from a game, going to controller settings and clicking on "test vibration". ALT+TABing back to game gives me the vibration I wanted.
Since the vibration can be turned on with this workaround, I believe that it could be implemented in Fanaleds as an optional setting for users using PS2 connection?
I hope it all make sense what I wrote.
Thanks for helping and creating this great product.

Re: CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 10:55
by DirkT
Capt. Kirk reporting!

Are you saying the rumble in the wheel isn't noticable at all, with the checkbox in the top left for wheel rumble checked?

I like your PS2 idea, we'll have a test and see if that workaround works all the time. Perhaps the guys at Fanatec are able to sort things out with this information.

Fyi, pCars support isn't done by us, that's native pCars output. Also F1 2012, same issue, they have native support, which can't be turned off for now... So that's "only logical" that it isn't rumbling (they haven't implemented it)

Re: CSW brake pedal rumble issue

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 21:42
by LEW15
Thank you captain!
No, for some reason, when my CSP are connected via USB I don't get the wheel rumble when braking (or locking brakes to be precise). And the pedal is not as profound as feeling the wheel if you know what I mean. Especially when racing with shoes, so it would be really a great option to enable the telemetry rumble when connected via PS2.
I understand the issue with F1 2012 and pCars at the moment. Is it possible for such cases that the CSW would take over once the game is not supported by fanaleds and you would get virtual rumble controlled by the wheel? That'd be absolutely perfect. You would never have to switch fanaleds off.
Anyway, I really appreciate your work and interest to improve the software.
Bailing out